Rabbit Runaway Orphanage was established as a registered charity in 2009. The struggle to establish the first no kill pet rabbit rescue in Victoria is documented in many of the earlier media articles and shows bias against pet rabbits. Later articles demonstrate some of the work of the Orphanage. Please also view RELATED RESEARCH and PETITION
We have Dr Judi & Bryce Inglis in the studio, describing their work advocating for the much-misunderstood house rabbit whose welfare is largely ignored in Australia. Their organisation, Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage, is dedicated to bringing education to all levels of government as well as the public, leading to improved welfare and legal change.
Freedom of species 7/22/2018
This media was based on the misrepresentation of the Free Press Leader and Herald Sun. This Jon Faine segment was followed by an interview with Judi Inglis, President of Rabbit Runaway Orphanage, who addressed the inaccuracies in the article the following day at the start of the talkback segment.
Print Media
Rabbit Run-Away Orphanage owners cancel Valentines Day plans to rescue dumped bunnies 2016
Bunny version of The Bachelor at Rabbit Runaway Orphanage 2015
Olinda's Rabbit Runaway Orphanage calling for myxomatosis vaccination to save pet bunnies 2014
This misinformed, bias and totally inaccurate article lead to a complete misunderstanding of the purpose of the grant as well as the work of the Orphanage.
Dating website for rabbits looking for a new home 2013
Fur flies over fate of Dandenongs rabbit refuge The Age 2011